(The Japan Society building in New York City)
From April 8th - July 24th, the Japan Society in New York City is running an exhibit called Little Boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture, curated by Takashi Murakami. The art of Murakami and his collaborators is inspired by otaku culture and also serves to critically evaluate its role in contemporary (mainstream) Japanese culture. Their work is simultaneously entertaining, cute, and provocative, whether you are new to otaku culture or a seasoned veteran. In addition to contemporary Japanese art, a good deal of the exhibit focuses on the history of otaku culture and its most important icons. The Daicon IV Opening Animation is featured prominently in the gallery, running on a constant loop, accompanied by literally hundreds of original Daicon IV cels and sketches on display (covering a large wall)--a magnificent collection that you're not ever likely to see again. If you're a Daicon fan, and you can make it to New York City, you definitely have to check it out!
More information on the exhibit can be found here: Little Boy: The Arts of Japan's Exploding Subculture
Also, the exhibition catalog--a beautifully bound book full of photos, illustrations, and essays--is now available. The book also includes some Daicon IV screenshots and original art, as well as discussion of its significance.
On June 9th, I will be presenting at the Japan Society as part of the lecture series accompanying the exhibit. The panel discussion I'll be on is called Fanatics, Cuties & Geeks: The Otaku Phenomenon & its Impact Abroad. I'll be talking mostly about otaku culture in America, based on insights gleaned from my dissertation research on otaku. More info on that talk can be found here: Fanatics, Cuties & Geeks: The Otaku Phenomenon & its Impact Abroad
- On June 11th, also at the Japan Society, I will be moderating a workshop called Why is Anime So Cool? Otaku in America (a panel discussion for teens). More information here: Why is Anime So Cool? Otaku in America
Hopefully, I'll see some familiar faces there as well. ^_^
I just saw this today, and I loved it...I've been interested in anime for a long time, but never knew about Daicon until today. Very, very cool stuff.